Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pillow Talk

Hear this story my dear friend
Listen closely to the end
So that you will not fall
Under the demon's thrall.
For there is a shadow that awaits
To steal away all of our fates.

This is the story of Poor Little
Presented to me at night in a dream.
I share this to you in hopes that a broken friendship you may redeem.
This is the story of Poor Little.

There once were two ships 
    who sailed the seas together
And lil' ship did think
    that they would be forever.

The waters were still
    and not a shadow in sight.
Poor Little ship failed
    to recognize and take flight.

For there was a shadow
    hidden in the other ship.
The shadow would cause
    Poor Little's sail to rip.

Both shadow and ship
    cause Poor Little to sink.
Shadow takes over
    other ship does not blink.

The ship lets shadow
    take her from little one.
Poor, broke Little ship
    wishes she had trusted none.

The sea then rises
    the waves soon over power
And her old dear friend
    is not there for her last hour.

Waves from the shadow
    and waves from the runaway
Help the storm to kill
    The poor little castaway.

After my dreams were haunted
By this sad sonnet
I wondered if that was really Poor Little's end.
So tell me my dear friend
Does Poor Little get back up again?
Does she mend her sail
And begin a new tale?

(Illustrated by moi) 

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