Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Window Poem

I see a backyard with a large willow tree
A torn trampoline
A locked shed and a fire pit
I see children playing in the ditch
Past the fence
Hitting a ball
Skidding in mud

To my left sits a cat atop a couch
She purrs and bats at my hand
A fire place is cold
Papers and books are scattered on the floor

I look back out the window
There is something different
The branches on the willow are no longer bare
The grass is greener
I even hear birds

I always listen for the birds
Because I know that Winter is over
Summer is near

The sky is clear
The children's faces are flushed
A rabbit jumps from a bush

The wind picks up, swaying the willow
It's still a bit chilly
But far in the distance
Just at the horizon
Summer is coming

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