All my dreaming happens 20 minutes before I fall asleep. I dream of happiness and of feeling whole. I dream of security and belonging as I hug my teddy bear tight. I dream a lot about people I wish I knew better. I dream that I am closer to someone than I really am. I convince myself that if I dream long and hard enough then it will come true.
The "Law of Attraction" my mother calls it- although I've always thought her theory was bullshit. When I was younger, I endured many "Law of Attraction" lectures. She would tell me that if I can just keep picturing myself doing what I want to do, then it will eventually happen. She believed that one could will something into reality. If I wanted to be a business woman, for example, that I would just have to keep picturing myself in an office working with my colleagues- just keep day dreaming- and it will come true. This theory, however much I wish it to be true, has fault. How long must one wait for their dreams to come true? How can anything happen without action? I'm not willing to sit idly by, convinced that one day I would get what I want- it just won't happen.
Even still, I dream of what I do not have. I dream of scenarios that will lift my spirits or cure me of anxiety. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, the dream will continue into REM and when I wake up it's almost as if my dream is real- but just for a moment. Then I must face my day and look for the happy things around me in reality, however hard it can be.
You're right...I see the merit in at least thinking positively and envisioning the results you'd like to have, but just visualizing those things is unlikely to make them happen.