Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I Sing

I sing for those that do not have a voice

The innocent
The scared
The abused

I sing for equality
The discriminated
The abused
The outlawed

I sing against the wrong
Against stereotypes
Against ignorance
Against rape, neglect, cruelty, hate, and selfishness

I sing for safe and honest living
For love
For protection
For empathy

I sing for the need of creativity

I sing for the hope of a better future
I sing for the hope of a loving world
I sing for the hope of redemption
I sing for the hope of a saving grace and
I sing for forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Some beautiful sentiments here, and worthy ideals to "sing" for. I especially like the line about "safe and honest living" and the idee of grace and forgiveness.
